Monday, September 12, 2011

Married people blog

Sean and I got married! You know what that means: I now blog.
It all started August 19th to be exact. I've always joked that only married people blog. So here I am. For the last month I've demanded Sean take more and more pictures "for the blog". We had a tough time choosing a blog name. I just had too many options with my new last name: Lamb. (Rack of Lamb, Legs of Lamb, etc). Finally, we (I) settled on The Lambpires. If you don't know Sean yet, you'll probably learn through this blog that he is very easy going. People assume with my dominating personality that I win everything. Sean just kinda wants me to have my way, to be happy. So I run with that. I'm guessing he'll have a few posts on here as well.
I don't intend for this blog to be funny, creative, or informative. There's enough competition in the blogging community for that. Hopefully it'll be a way to share pictures and memories with family and friends.
I don't have wedding pictures back yet. Enjoy the above teaser courtesy of my sistah Kari Scott Ward. Not sure why my neck is doing that.


  1. Yaaaaay! You blog and I'm the first commenter evah! Love ya!

  2. I'm pretty happy about your new blogging ways...and the creative title of this here blog. Good work A. Scott Lamb!
